Above Rubies

rubiesWowsers! This is a pretty incredible statement, both damning and thrilling all in one! Why? Because when we realise how rare rubies are and we see the exhausting lengths mankind goes to in order to mine them, when we see how beautiful and costly they are…..to be a woman who is said to be worth MORE!

That just boggles my mind!

In the original Hebrew language this word ‘ruby’ also means ’round like a pearl’. Do you know how rare naturally occurring pearls are? Most pearls today are cultured and farmed by man, whereas naturally only 1 in 10,000 oysters will ever produce a pearl.

James Humphries a 34yo man from Cornwall in the UK recently found a naturally grown pearl in an oyster he’d purchased.  The family owned fishing business which sold him the oyster said it was the first in over 80 years of operation that they had had this happen! Let’s hope they weren’t counting on these to make their fortune! :O

It’s a wonderful, humbling thing to think that God sees this virtuous woman as worth so much more than precious gems.  But, it’s sobering to consider this might imply her scarcity!

Let me explain something simply – Both pearls and rubies are born out of trouble, conflict, friction; the oyster makes the pearl in order to encase an irritation, the ruby is born when a clash of natural elements forcibly turn one or two things into something dramatically new. That really is putting it simply but hey, I’m a simple kinda gal 🙂

Spiritually speaking, if we’ll allow the things that annoy us, the things we want to run from, that cause us trauma, that tick us right off, the people who rub us up the wrong way, the hurts, the disappointments, betrayals, lonliness ……to possibly make us more beautiful….what a promise that we are becoming more precious than even the most sought after treasure! And God is indeed, seeking us out!

But what do you think? :-)